Monday, February 27, 2006

Nip it in the bud

Things are feeling a bit out of control lately. I've been feeling unmotivated and unproductive, which is not a good sign for me. I'm worried that I'm going to slip back into my depression and the behaviors that go along with it. Part of it is the nature of things going on at school: a series of job talks that I feel strongly about attending, RAs having interviews, and slow-going on research. However, I've noticed some bad signs this weekend. I didn't shower for 4 days (big relapse sign for me). I did ZERO work this weekend -- absolutely nothing when I had three very important things to do that I have been procrastinating on for a long time. Socially isolating myself.

So, today I took the day off from work, hoping to get myself going and catch-up on work that needs to get done. I felt motivated after I cleared my work appointments and had breakfast. Here are the things I want to get done today:

1) Practica report
2) Email RAs DONE!
3) Bills
4) Class prep
5) Midterm essay

Let's see how this goes!


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