Thursday, July 12, 2007

I've had worse days...

Not a great day overall.

The good:
* Got some schoolwork done (about 2 hours worth)
* Got some grantwork done (about 4 hours worth)
* Watched some good TV tonight

The bad:
* Didn't get enough schoolwork done & didn't have some relevant stuff with me at school
* Tried to eat healthy at school, but then got the shakes
* Dealing with my advisor today
* Everything related to my husband -- can't stand him tonight
* Not getting any work done tonight
* Worried about the condition of the car

Ugh. I am just so unsure about what to do with my husband!!!! I wish that I could just have a "do-over" of my life since I moved here to start graduate school.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

For the past couple of days, I've been thinking about starting up some form of journaling / blogging again. Not really sure what format I want to do (blogging here or somewhere else, writing by hand in a journal). It seems that therapy has been making me more introspective, which is a good thing. But I am feeling very lost in my own thoughts and goals and behaviors. I guess I'm hoping that writing in some form or another will help me sort things out in my head and make things in my life more concrete for me.

P.S. Why isn't Blogger letting me title this post??

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

No surprise here...

You are a Brainy Girl!

Whether you're an official student or a casual learner, you enjoy hitting the books.
You know a little bit about everything, and you're always dying to know more.
For a guy to win your heart, he's got to share some of your intellectual interests.
A awesome book collection of his own doesn't hurt either!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Ready for another week

The weekend was good overall -- can't really complain. As usual, I didn't get any of the work done that I needed to. I've got to figure out what is preventing me from getting my work accomplished. It's not like I'm getting NOTHING done. I've done a ton of research this week, which has been incredibly time-consuming. However, it has felt so satisfying to be productive with something in my life. Did a handful of personal errands today and just hung out with the hubby, which was wonderful.

Looking forward to wrapping up data collection and entry this week. Must complete major paper and minor eaasy this week. Must complete 2 practica reports this week. Must complete misc school tasks (contact various profs and registrar, practica). Must take care of household chores this week (laundry, bills, cleaning, mail Father's day gifts). Will be incredibly proud and impressed with myself if I get this list completed.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

A Good Day

I'm really tired (only 4.5 hours of sleep last night), but things went relatively well at practicum today. Finished two tasks that were kind of hanging over my head. Also felt more caught up than usual. Got a small reprieve from something that should have been completed by today, but which I couldn't get to. Not feeling stressed about tomorrow, because nothing definite is planned for the day, which is a nice feeling. So I can go to school at my leisure and get some work done without any pressure. Looking forward to that!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Another week(end) ends

So, the end of another week(end) and the beginning of another week. This was the first weekend in a long time that I didn't feel completely stressed out. Where I didn't feel guilty for relaxing or doing something fun. Where I was able to relax without having a million things running through my head that HAD to get done by Sunday night. I'm not sure why I felt so different this weekend. Maybe it was the two days off I gave myself. Or that Spring Break starts this week. It's funny, because I do have a lot of work to do, both school/work-related and personal stuff. But none of it seemed to bother me.

Today, I slept in a bit, since I couldn't fall asleep until 2:30am last night. Then I had lunch, showered, and relaxed until it was time to go to a dinner party. I was completely on the fence about going to the dinner party: I wasn't going to know may people, I had work to do, I felt awkward about the host. However, I went and had such a wonderful time. I also talked with some colleagues and decided that I will not continue my externship through the summer (I'm 85% sure about this). Tonight, I should complete two reports. But I'm only going to do one, so I can get a decent night's sleep, since I have plenty of work to do tomorrow. Tomorrow, I am off to my externship. Then home to work on 2nd report, lecture prep, and research prep.

Really enjoying my current read Better Off by Eric Brende. (I wish I was able to figure out how to create a sidebar for my current reading list!)Would my husband be up for a year-long retreat from technology?? It's sounding awfully good to me right now.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Can I do it??

OK, feeling very motivated (but also very tired) to complete four items for practicum tomorrow. To be completed: Note, Report 1, Report 2, and Edit report 3. Can I do it? I plan to have Note and Report 1 done by 8pm, so that I can watch Gilmore Girls and eat dinner. Then Report 2. Editing report 3 would be icing on the cake. Then SLEEP!

Wasted time

Called in sick to my externship today, because the numerous reports I have backlogged were not completed. Should have completed most of them today, but I had a hard time waking up. Slept in until 12:50pm! Frustrated with myself. However, I did complete my lecture for tomorrow. Also, made a work plan for the week. A bit worried that I have a lot of work to do tomorrow, since I did very little work today.

Finished The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd last week. Really enjoyed it. Loved the characters and the message of the strength of relationships. Wasn't crazy about a few parts, but it didn't mar the overall experience of the book for me. Especially liked that it was an incredibly fast read for me, which is unusual for me lately. Started Better Off by Eric Bende over the weekend. It's about the real-life experiences of a man and his wife who have decided to live with as little modern-day technology as possible. I think this will be another fast read for me as well.

Saw my good friend over the weekend. Finally saw her beautiful baby daughter. The visit and the 6 hour round-trip drive were both good for me. I need to remember to balance my life a little better with regard to work/school and socialization/vacation time.